2025-02-15 08:12:15 | 谋考网
内地学生毕业后,除返回内地外,可选择留港升学或就业。此外,由于理大的课程与国际接轨,资历获得承认,不少毕业生亦选择到海外大学继续深造。以往便有内地学生往海外著名大学深造,如英国剑桥大学、英国约克大学、英国曼撤斯特大学及美国加洲大学等。 谋考网
开设名称 | 学位类型 | 专业方向 | 学制 |
专业会计(Master of Professional Accounting) | - | - | - |
专业英语(MA in English for the Professions) | - | - | - |
中国商贸管理(MSc in China Business Studies) | - | - | - |
中国文化(MA in Chinese Culture) | - | - | - |
中国语文(MA in Chinese Language and Literature) | - | - | - |
中国语文文学硕士学位 (中文第二语言教学专业) (MA in Chinese Language and Literature (With a Specialism in Chinese Language Teaching for Teachers of Non-Chinese Speaking Students)) | - | - | - |
中国语言学(MA in Chinese Linguistics) | - | - | - |
中英企业传讯(MA in Bilingual Corporate Communication*) | - | - | - |
互联网及多媒体科技(Internet and Multimedia Technologies - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
产品分析及工程设计学(Product Analysis and Engineering Design - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
产品工程兼市场学(Product Engineering with Marketing - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
企业工程兼管理(Enterprise Engineering with Management - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
会计及金融(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Accounting and Finance - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
会计学(MSc in Accountancy) | - | - | - |
会计学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Accountancy - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
供应链与物流管理(MSc in Global Supply Chain Management) | - | - | - |
信息科技(Master of Science in Information Technology) | - | - | - |
信息管理 (于西安授课, 与西安交通大学合办)(Master of Science in Information Systems (This programme is offered in collaboration with Xi'an Jiaotong University)) | - | - | - |
信息系统(Master of Science in Information Systems) | - | - | - |
健康信息科技(MSc in Health Informatics) | - | - | - |
全球供应链管理(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Global Supply Chain Management - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
化学科技(Chemical Technology - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
医学影像及放射科学(MSc in Medical Imaging and Radiation Science) | - | - | - |
医疗化验科学(Medical Laboratory Science - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
医疗化验科学(MSc in Medical Laboratory Science) | - | - | - |
发展障碍人士复康(MSc in Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities) | - | - | - |
可持续城市发展学(MSc in Sustainable Urban Development (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
商业管理(MSc in Business Management) | - | - | - |
国际旅游及会展管理(Master of Science(MSc) in International Tourism and Convention Management) | - | - | - |
国际航运及物流管理(MSc in International Shipping and Transport Logistics) | - | - | - |
国际航运及物流管理(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(International Shipping and Transport Logistics - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
国际葡萄酒管理(Master of Science (MSc) in International Wine Management) | - | - | - |
国际酒店管理(Master of Science (MSc) in International Hospitality Management) | - | - | - |
土木工程(MSc in Civil Engineering) | - | - | - |
土木工程学(Civil Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
土木工程学(MSc in Civil Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
地产及建设测量学(Surveying - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
多媒体和娱乐技术(MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology) | - | - | - |
多媒体科艺(Multimedia & Entertainment Technology (MSc)) | - | - | - |
对外汉语教学(MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) | - | - | - |
对外汉语教学文学硕士学位/深造文凭 (香港学校中文第二语言教学专业) (MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (With a Specialism in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Hong Kong Schools)) | - | - | - |
屋宇设备工程学(Building Services Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
屋宇设备工程学(MEng in Building Services Engineering (Full-time)) | - | - | - |
屋宇设备工程学(MSc in Building Services Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
工业及系统工程学(Industrial and Systems Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
工业物流系统(Master of Science in Industrial Logistics Systems) | - | - | - |
工程物理学(Engineering Physics - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
市场学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Marketing - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
市场营销管理(MSc in Marketing Management) | - | - | - |
应用心(Master of Applied Psychology) | - | - | - |
应用心理学硕士学位(特殊学习需要) (Applied Psychology (Diverse Learning Needs) - Master ) | - | - | - |
应用数学科学技术(精算及投资科学)(MSc in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science)) | - | - | - |
应用生物兼生物科技(Applied Biology with Biotechnology - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
康复科学(MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences) | - | - | - |
建筑及房地产学(MSc in Construction and Real Estate (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
建筑工程及管理学(Building Engineering and Management - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
建筑法及争议解决学(MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
感染控制(MSc in Infection Control) | - | - | - |
感染控制科学(MSc in Infection Control) | - | - | - |
手法物理治疗(Master in Physiotherapy) | - | - | - |
手法物理治疗(MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy) | - | - | - |
投资科学(Investment Science - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
护理学(MSc in Nursing) | - | - | - |
护理学(Nursing - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
放射学(Radiography - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
教育及儿童心(Master of Educational and Child Psychology) | - | - | - |
时装和纺织品设计(MA in Fashion and Textile Design) | - | - | - |
服装及纺织(Fashion and Textiles - MA ) | - | - | - |
服装及纺织(Master of Arts in Fashion and Textiles) | - | - | - |
服装及纺织品设计(Fashion and Textile Design - MA ) | - | - | - |
服装及纺织品设计(Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design) | - | - | - |
服装及纺织组合课程(Scheme in Fashion and Textiles - BA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
机械工程学 (产品开发及分析)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Product Development and Analysis)) | - | - | - |
机械工程学 (民用航空)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aviation)) | - | - | - |
机械工程学(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering) | - | - | - |
机械工程学(Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
机械工程学(空气/噪音环保管理)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Air/Noise Pollution Management)) | - | - | - |
机械工程学(航空工程)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)) | - | - | - |
汉语言文学(MA in Chinese Language and Literature) | - | - | - |
汽车工程设计(MSc in Automotive Engineering Design) | - | - | - |
测绘及地理信息学 (测量)(MSc in Geomatics (Surveying) (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
测绘及地理信息学(Geomatics - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
测绘及地理信息学(地理信息)(MSc in Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
消防及安全工程学(MSc in Fire and Safety Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
物业管理学(Property Management - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
物流工程兼管理(Logistics Engineering with Management - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
物理治疗学(Physiotherapy - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
环境工程与可持续发展学(Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
环境管理及工程学(MSc in Environmental Management and Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
环球酒店业管理(Master of Science (MSc) in Global Hospitality Business) | - | - | - |
生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
生物医学工程(Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering) | - | - | - |
生物医学工程硕士(MSc in Biomedical Engineering) | - | - | - |
电子及信息工程学 (多媒体信号处理及通讯)(Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering (Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications)) | - | - | - |
电子及信息工程学(Electronic and Information Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
电子及信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering) | - | - | - |
电子商贸(E-Commerce - MSc ) | - | - | - |
电子商贸(Master of Science in E-Commerce) | - | - | - |
电子计算广泛学科(Computing - BD ) | - | - | - |
电机工程学 (电力电子及驱动)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives)) | - | - | - |
电机工程学 (电力系统)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power Systems)) | - | - | - |
电机工程学 (铁路系统) (香港铁路有限公司协助指定科目之部份教学)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Railway Systems) (MTR Corporation Limited assists in teaching parts of the designated subjects.)) | - | - | - |
电机工程学(Electrical Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
电机工程学(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering) | - | - | - |
眼科视光学(Optometry - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
知识管理(Master of Science in Knowledge Management) | - | - | - |
社会工作(Social Work - BA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
社会工作文学硕士学位(家庭本位实务及家庭治疗) (Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy) - MA ) | - | - | - |
社会工作文学硕士学位(精神健康)(Social Work (Mental Health) - MA ) | - | - | - |
社会政策及社会发展(Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development) | - | - | - |
社会政策及行政(Social Policy and Administration - BA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
科技应用数学(精算及投资科学)(Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science) - MSc ) | - | - | - |
科技管理(Master of Science in Technology Management) | - | - | - |
管理学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Management - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
管理学(人力资源管理) (MSc in Management (Human Resource Management)) | - | - | - |
管理学(公营机构管理) (MSc in Management (Public Sector Management)) | - | - | - |
精神健康护理学(Mental Health Nursing - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
精神健康护理学(MSc in Mental Health Nursing) | - | - | - |
翻译与传译(MA in Translating and Interpreting) | - | - | - |
职业治疗学(Master in Occupational Therapy) | - | - | - |
职业治疗学(MSc in Occupational Therapy) | - | - | - |
职业治疗学(Occupational Therapy - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
职业理疗学(MSc in Occupational Therapy) | - | - | - |
航空工程学(Aviation Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
英语专业(MA in English for the Professions) | - | - | - |
英语教学(MA in English Language Teaching) | - | - | - |
英语语言学(MA in English Language Arts) | - | - | - |
英语语言研究(MA in English Language Studies) | - | - | - |
英语语言艺术(MA in English Language Arts) | - | - | - |
营销管理学(MSc in Marketing Management) | - | - | - |
言语治疗(Master of Speech Therapy) | - | - | - |
言语障碍治疗硕士(Master of Speech Therapy) | - | - | - |
设施管理(MSc in Facility Management (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
设施管理(MSc in Facility Management) | - | - | - |
设计学(Design - Master ) | - | - | - |
设计学组合课程(Scheme in Design - BA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
设计硕士(国际设计和业务管理)(Master of Design(International Design and Business Management)) | - | - | - |
语言、文化及传意广泛学科(Language, Culture and Communication - BD ) | - | - | - |
谘商与辅导(Guidance and Counselling - MA ) | - | - | - |
谘商与辅导(Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling) | - | - | - |
软件科技(Master of Science in Software Technology) | - | - | - |
运动物理治疗(MSc in Sports Physiotherapy) | - | - | - |
运筹及风险分析(Master of Science in Operational Research and Risk Analysis) | - | - | - |
运输系统工程学(Transportation Systems Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
酒店及旅游业管理广泛学科(Hotel and Tourism Management - BD ) | - | - | - |
金融学(投资管理) (Finance (Investment Management) - Master ) | - | - | - |
金融服务(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Financial Services - BBA (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
项目管理(MSc in Project Management (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
食品科技与食物安全(Food Safety and Technology - BSc (Hons) ) | - | - | - |
验光科学(MSc in Optometry) | - | - | - |
高效能建筑(MSc in High Performance Buildings (mixed-mode)* ) | - | - | - |
会计及金融(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Accounting and Finance - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
会计学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Accountancy - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
全球供应链管理(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Global Supply Chain Management - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
国际航运及物流管理(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(International Shipping and Transport Logistics - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
市场学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Marketing - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
管理学(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Management - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
酒店及旅游业管理广泛学科(Hotel and Tourism Management - BD ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
金融服务(荣誉)工商管理学士学位(Financial Services - BBA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
专业会计(Master of Professional Accounting) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
中国商贸管理(MSc in China Business Studies) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
会计学(MSc in Accountancy) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
供应链与物流管理(MSc in Global Supply Chain Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
商业管理(MSc in Business Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际旅游及会展管理(Master of Science(MSc) in International Tourism and Convention Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际航运及物流管理(MSc in International Shipping and Transport Logistics) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际葡萄酒管理(Master of Science (MSc) in International Wine Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际酒店管理(Master of Science (MSc) in International Hospitality Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
市场营销管理(MSc in Marketing Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
环球酒店业管理(Master of Science (MSc) in Global Hospitality Business) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
电子商贸(E-Commerce - MSc ) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
管理学(人力资源管理) (MSc in Management (Human Resource Management)) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
管理学(公营机构管理) (MSc in Management (Public Sector Management)) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
营销管理学(MSc in Marketing Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
谘商与辅导(Guidance and Counselling - MA ) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
金融学(投资管理) (Finance (Investment Management) - Master ) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
互联网及多媒体科技(Internet and Multimedia Technologies - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
产品分析及工程设计学(Product Analysis and Engineering Design - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
产品工程兼市场学(Product Engineering with Marketing - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
企业工程兼管理(Enterprise Engineering with Management - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
土木工程学(Civil Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
地产及建设测量学(Surveying - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
屋宇设备工程学(Building Services Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
工业及系统工程学(Industrial and Systems Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
建筑工程及管理学(Building Engineering and Management - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
机械工程学(Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
测绘及地理信息学(Geomatics - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
物业管理学(Property Management - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
物流工程兼管理(Logistics Engineering with Management - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
环境工程与可持续发展学(Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
电子及信息工程学(Electronic and Information Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
电机工程学(Electrical Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
航空工程学(Aviation Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
运输系统工程学(Transportation Systems Engineering - BEng (Hons) ) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
信息科技(Master of Science in Information Technology) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
信息管理 (于西安授课, 与西安交通大学合办)(Master of Science in Information Systems (This programme is offered in collaboration with Xi'an Jiaotong University)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
信息系统(Master of Science in Information Systems) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
可持续城市发展学(MSc in Sustainable Urban Development (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
土木工程(MSc in Civil Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
土木工程学(MSc in Civil Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
屋宇设备工程学(MEng in Building Services Engineering (Full-time)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
屋宇设备工程学(MSc in Building Services Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
工业物流系统(Master of Science in Industrial Logistics Systems) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
建筑及房地产学(MSc in Construction and Real Estate (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
建筑法及争议解决学(MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
机械工程学 (产品开发及分析)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Product Development and Analysis)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
机械工程学 (民用航空)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aviation)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
机械工程学(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
机械工程学(空气/噪音环保管理)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Air/Noise Pollution Management)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
机械工程学(航空工程)(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
汽车工程设计(MSc in Automotive Engineering Design) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
测绘及地理信息学 (测量)(MSc in Geomatics (Surveying) (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
测绘及地理信息学(地理信息)(MSc in Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
消防及安全工程学(MSc in Fire and Safety Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
环境管理及工程学(MSc in Environmental Management and Engineering (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
生物医学工程(Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
生物医学工程硕士(MSc in Biomedical Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电子及信息工程学 (多媒体信号处理及通讯)(Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering (Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电子及信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电子商贸(Master of Science in E-Commerce) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电机工程学 (电力电子及驱动)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电机工程学 (电力系统)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power Systems)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电机工程学 (铁路系统) (香港铁路有限公司协助指定科目之部份教学)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Railway Systems) (MTR Corporation Limited assists in teaching parts of the designated subjects.)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电机工程学(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
知识管理(Master of Science in Knowledge Management) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
科技管理(Master of Science in Technology Management) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
设施管理(MSc in Facility Management (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
设施管理(MSc in Facility Management) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
软件科技(Master of Science in Software Technology) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
项目管理(MSc in Project Management (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
高效能建筑(MSc in High Performance Buildings (mixed-mode)* ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
化学科技(Chemical Technology - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
工程物理学(Engineering Physics - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
应用生物兼生物科技(Applied Biology with Biotechnology - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
投资科学(Investment Science - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
电子计算广泛学科(Computing - BD ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
食品科技与食物安全(Food Safety and Technology - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
应用数学科学技术(精算及投资科学)(MSc in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science)) | 硕士 | 理科 | 12个月 |
科技应用数学(精算及投资科学)(Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science) - MSc ) | 硕士 | 理科 | 12个月 |
运筹及风险分析(Master of Science in Operational Research and Risk Analysis) | 硕士 | 理科 | 12个月 |
医疗化验科学(Medical Laboratory Science - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
护理学(Nursing - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
放射学(Radiography - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
物理治疗学(Physiotherapy - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
眼科视光学(Optometry - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
精神健康护理学(Mental Health Nursing - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
职业治疗学(Occupational Therapy - BSc (Hons) ) | 本科 | 生命科学与医学 | 48个月 |
感染控制科学(MSc in Infection Control) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
社会工作文学硕士学位(家庭本位实务及家庭治疗) (Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy) - MA ) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
社会工作文学硕士学位(精神健康)(Social Work (Mental Health) - MA ) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
社会政策及社会发展(Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
职业理疗学(MSc in Occupational Therapy) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
谘商与辅导(Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
验光科学(MSc in Optometry) | 硕士 | 生命科学与医学 | 12个月 |
社会工作(Social Work - BA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
社会政策及行政(Social Policy and Administration - BA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
健康信息科技(MSc in Health Informatics) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
医学影像及放射科学(MSc in Medical Imaging and Radiation Science) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
医疗化验科学(MSc in Medical Laboratory Science) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
发展障碍人士复康(MSc in Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
应用心(Master of Applied Psychology) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
应用心理学硕士学位(特殊学习需要) (Applied Psychology (Diverse Learning Needs) - Master ) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
康复科学(MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
感染控制(MSc in Infection Control) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
手法物理治疗(Master in Physiotherapy) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
手法物理治疗(MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
护理学(MSc in Nursing) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
教育及儿童心(Master of Educational and Child Psychology) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
精神健康护理学(MSc in Mental Health Nursing) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
职业治疗学(Master in Occupational Therapy) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
职业治疗学(MSc in Occupational Therapy) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
运动物理治疗(MSc in Sports Physiotherapy) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
服装及纺织组合课程(Scheme in Fashion and Textiles - BA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
设计学组合课程(Scheme in Design - BA (Hons) ) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
语言、文化及传意广泛学科(Language, Culture and Communication - BD ) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
专业英语(MA in English for the Professions) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中国文化(MA in Chinese Culture) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中国语文(MA in Chinese Language and Literature) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中国语文文学硕士学位 (中文第二语言教学专业) (MA in Chinese Language and Literature (With a Specialism in Chinese Language Teaching for Teachers of Non-Chinese Speaking Students)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中国语言学(MA in Chinese Linguistics) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中英企业传讯(MA in Bilingual Corporate Communication*) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
多媒体和娱乐技术(MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
多媒体科艺(Multimedia & Entertainment Technology (MSc)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
对外汉语教学(MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
对外汉语教学文学硕士学位/深造文凭 (香港学校中文第二语言教学专业) (MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (With a Specialism in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Hong Kong Schools)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
时装和纺织品设计(MA in Fashion and Textile Design) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
服装及纺织(Fashion and Textiles - MA ) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
服装及纺织(Master of Arts in Fashion and Textiles) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
服装及纺织品设计(Fashion and Textile Design - MA ) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
服装及纺织品设计(Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
汉语言文学(MA in Chinese Language and Literature) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
翻译与传译(MA in Translating and Interpreting) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语专业(MA in English for the Professions) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语教学(MA in English Language Teaching) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语语言学(MA in English Language Arts) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语语言研究(MA in English Language Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语语言艺术(MA in English Language Arts) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
言语治疗(Master of Speech Therapy) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
言语障碍治疗硕士(Master of Speech Therapy) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
设计学(Design - Master ) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
设计硕士(国际设计和业务管理)(Master of Design(International Design and Business Management)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
更多数据请进入:www.moukao.com/yszy |
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